Biotin Foods You Need To Include in Your Diet Now

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There are Biotin foods, (food that contain Vitamin B7), that that help your body operate optimally. You can get biotin food sources to help add more biotin to your daily diet to maximize the overall health benefits. Biotin helps your body in several ways, one of the most important is that it can help your body metabolize fats from your foods, and allows the release of energy and maintain the blood sugar levels. Since there are many biotin food sources available, a biotin deficiency is not a real common issue for many people. Having said that though, it is not impossible for someone to have a biotin deficiency.

person touching hand
Photo by Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas on

Here are some symptoms that you may not be getting enough biotin into your daily diet:

  • If you are losing an extreme amount of hair, this can be a sign of a possible biotin deficiency.
  • Sometimes unexplained skin conditions such as rashes, and overly dry skin. As well as conditions like eczema, can be side effects of a diet that is not getting enough Vitamins and minerals, especially biotin.
  • Unexplained weight loss or muscle pain are still other possible side effects of a diet that is deficient of enough vitamin B7.
  • Still other possible side effects of not getting enough biotin into your daily diet are nausea, and depression. In extreme cases, a loss of sensation in a small part of your body. This last one may be the most scary one of all. But the loss of sensation is usually very localized and may not last too long.

Next steps to get more Biotin

In order to make sure you never suffer from one or more of these side effects, make sure you get enough biotin into your daily diet. Of course, if you are considering taking a supplement, always talk to your doctor first. Only she can advise you on the right dosage as well as any possible interactions with other prescription or over the counter drugs you may already take.

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Suggested Biotin in your daily diet

I’m not a doctor and I can’t give you medical advice, but here is a general guideline as to the biotin requirements you may need in your daily diet. Again, always talk to your health care professional to find the exact dosage for you:

  • For infants, the recommended dosage is 6 micrograms
  • Kids aged 1 to 3 the dosage is 8 micrograms.
  • Kids who are 4 – 8 need 12 micrograms
  • Older kids, aged 9 – 13 need 20 micrograms.
  • Young adults, from 14 – 18 need 25 micrograms.
  • Adults, 19 and over need 30 micrograms.
  • Lactating women need 35 micrograms.

Foods that are packed with Biotin to add to your diet

If you are concerned you are not getting enough of this Vitamin B you can easily modify your diet to get more.
Here are some of the foods you can add to your daily diet: nuts, tuna, pork, carrots, tomato sauce, haddock, yogurt, non fat milk, salmon, Swiss chard, sweet potato, haddock, and eggs.

To get the maximum benefit of biotin, it is easy to add biotin food sources to your daily diet. As you can see, you have a lot of choices available to you.

Additional Resources

For more information, click on the links below:

See also  Great Ideas For Including Nutritious Foods In Your Diet

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