Your Relationship is Making You Fat, What Now?

Relationships are making you fat?
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Your relationship is making you fat. No one wants to hear it, but it may be the truth. Are you constantly surrounded by temptation? Can’t say no to those fattening lunch dates, or those home-baked pies from your mother-in-law or to the huge box of chocolates from your partner? Diets are hard enough without high-calorie foods being pushed in your direction. How can you stick to your resolve?

WebMD experts offer five simple strategies to help you stick to a healthy eating plan (even when you’re surrounded by non-dieting friends and loved ones).

Make a statement to those you care about

It’s up to the dieter to make his or her feelings known. For instance, directly ask your loved ones not to give you food as gifts or eat in front of you. No matter how strong you are, you can’t stare fattening foods in the face every day without your willpower breaking down.

Keep temptation out of sight

Even if your loved ones agree to eat their fattening goodies when you’re not around, ask them to keep it in a cabinet where you don’t normally go for your diet foods – you’ll be less tempted to eat it.

Learn the art of substitution in your diet

Give yourself a taste treat of your own by preparing a less-caloric dessert that captures some of the essence of what your family members are wolfing down. Be creative and you’ll find that watching others eat the goodies won’t be so hard.

Share the health

Make the foods that everyone craves in a more healthful and calorie-conscious way. Use no-fat yogurt in place of mayonnaise, use skim milk instead of whole milk, make lasagna with low-fat cheese. Creating a low-calorie shopping list will also help. Choose baked chips instead of fried, popcorn instead of cheese doodles, diet soda instead of regular, you will be helping everyone.

Be reassuring in your relationship

Even when they say you look good the way you are, reassure your partner that your weight loss goals are driven by health, not vanity, and that losing those extra pounds will help ensure a better future for both of you. Explain the serious health risks involved in being overweight. They hopefully will be understanding and supportive of your goals.

Bringing it all together

No- you’re not weak-willed. You’re human. There are influences all around you. You need to keep persevering, and remember not to give up. You may think your relationship is making you fat, but you can work out the issues and get healthy. Just don’t let those around you get the best of you. Follow these five easy steps and you won’t fall off the weight loss wagon.

Additional Resources

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