Do This One Time to cheat on your workout

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Is modifying an exercise considered cheating?

If you’ve ever been to a fitness class, chances are you’ve seen an instructor provide modifications for some of the exercises. They may have asked participants to do a less intense version of a certain move or modify it in another way. But the truth is there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach when it comes to fitness. It is okay to cheat on your workout. People have different fitness levels, different goals, and even different bodies.

So, no matter which type of exercise you’re doing—whether it’s yoga or lifting weights—it’s important that you modify your workout according to your own abilities and goals. And don’t worry: modifying an exercise isn’t cheating! Some people are afraid that modifying will make them less fit than someone who performs every move as instructed by an instructor. But that’s not true at all! If they were able to complete every single move without any modifications then they would probably be an elite athlete competing on Team USA right now!

One of the most common questions I get asked is, “Why did you change the exercise?”

While it may seem like a simple question at first glance, there are many factors that need to be considered before answering. For example, if you have a health condition or physical limitation, your doctor may instruct you to modify certain movements. Or perhaps your instructor will explain how an exercise can be modified for beginners who just started out with fitness. Maybe you just want to improve on an exercise and make it more challenging. Whatever your reason may be for modifying an exercise, there are a few things that should be kept in mind:

  • Always consult with a doctor before changing anything about your workouts. * Don’t change too much at once; slowly introduce new moves into your routine so that they don’t feel overwhelmed. * Think critically about whether or not the changes actually lead toward greater success goals (such as losing weight or gaining muscle).

Be honest about your abilities and limitations

It is important to be honest about your abilities and limitations. If something hurts, stop. If something feels good, keep doing it!

If an exercise makes you feel weird or uncomfortable in any way, stop doing it immediately and seek the advice of a professional trainer.

No one starts out being able to do every exercise

You may need to start with a modified version of an exercise. For example, if you’re new to exercise, you may not be ready for a full-on push-up. Instead, try the assisted push-up (where your hands are placed on the ground and then lifted off after each repetition). That way you can still build strength in your chest and triceps without risking injury by doing too much too soon.

You may also have to adjust how many repetitions or sets you do in order to accommodate limitations caused by pain or lack of strength.

Finally—and this is very important—if something hurts or feels wrong during the course of an exercise, don’t do it!

Listen to your body

One of the most important things to do if you are to cheat on your workout is because you need to pay attention to what your body is telling you. Listen to your body. If you are not sure that modifying an exercise is allowed, ask a personal trainer or another gym space volunteer. If at any point during exercise you feel pain or dizziness, stop immediately! The same goes if you feel nauseous. If at any point during an exercise you feel like passing out or vomiting, stop immediately! And if after stopping an exercise because of discomfort/pain/dizziness/nausea etc., the sensation still persists more than five minutes later and has not subsided after resting 15 minutes…then take it as a sign that something is wrong with how this particular modification should be performed (and seek medical attention).

Remember that any move you can make is better than none at all

The best exercise is always one you enjoy doing and will stick with. If you can’t do a certain move, that’s OK—just find another way to get into the same place. And if you can make a certain move, that’s great! Keep going!

No matter how many modifications you make, remember to stay patient with yourself and your body. Don’t worry about what other people are doing; focus on what works for you.

There are many ways to modify exercises and none of them are cheating!

Modifying an exercise is not cheating. It’s a chance to grow and improve. You’re creating an opportunity for yourself to learn new skills and make positive changes in your fitness routine.

Think of the modifications you can use as an opportunity for yourself to learn something new. If you want to modify with one leg, you’re giving yourself the chance to practice using one side of your body at a time—which is good news! You’ll be able to switch things up without having to start from scratch, which could mean more efficient movements when it comes time for your next workout routine.

Ready to cheat on your workout?

It’s important to remember that exercise is not about competition. It’s about challenging yourself, having fun and feeling good about what you’re doing! So, when it comes time for you to move into position three of plank on the floor, sit down instead if that’s what your body needs in order to complete the set number of repetitions without feeling pain or strain. It is not that you are going to cheat on your workout; you are accommodating yourself.

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